Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Last makes of the year.

I finished up my Gran's Veronika Cardi.  I didn't take many pictures because I was kinda done with it near the end.  It was an easy pattern and the yarn was super nice but the washing and blocking was such a pain! And the yarn bled alot.  I was really surprised by that.  It's an expensive yarn so I figured the color wouldn't run.  Boy, was I wrong. I wouldn't make this again.  It is just so big and once the sides are sewn together it doesn't wear very well.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised for a garment that is just rectangles with no shaping at all.

I also finished a Knox Hat.  I've had this pattern for awhile and tried it once with a sport weight yarn but it wasn't looking right so I ripped it out.  I tried again with some DK in my stash and it turned out nice but it was way too short for me.  I don't like to wear hats on the back of my head like the model.  I need more slouch!  I put it on the free table at work and it found a good home.

I also made a pair of the Heart Lace motif variation of the Smooth Operator Socks.  They were alot of fun to make!

I won this pattern from Killer Kitsch on Instagram and I'm working on it now.  I'm really getting into vintage patterns and new patterns with a vintage flair.  It won't fit me but hopefully I can learn from it and pass it on to a good home.

My favorite thing from the last month is my Professor Meow Pullover.  I bought the kit from KnitPicks during a sale.  I learned alot making it. I'd never done intarsia or seaming before.  It's super big but I love how warm and cozy it is.

Here's a few pics of my cat and Gran's dog Pokey.  They are really good knitting buddies <3

Monday, October 23, 2017

Easy Fingerless Mitts and Veronika Cardi

I decided to participate in the Sweet Tea No Shade Podcast "Put it on your hand" KAL.  I'd never done a KAL before so this was new.  I was all worried about posting in the Ravelry chatter and finished object threads but I think I figured it out.  So far I've made two pairs of Easy Fingerless Mitts by Very Pink Knits.  Its a super easy and fun pattern.  I can finish a pair in about a day.

I've been wanting a black pair to go with my Yes Checks Hat for awhile.  This pattern worked perfectly for that and I was able to use leftover yarn in my stash!

I've also been working on a Veronika Cardi for my Gran.  I was so pissed when I realized that I was way off gauge again!  I had to rip this bit out and start over with US 9 needles.  But at least I think I've got it now and can finally get going on this project.  I really need to work on my gauge swatches :-/

Here's a cute pic of Pokey at Gran's taking up the whole couch of course LOL.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wonder Woman Wrap

I worked on the Wonder Woman Wrap for 2 weeks straight and it ended up being WAY smaller than I'd intended.  I didn't do a swatch and that really came back to bite me.  I printed off the pattern before the update so there was only one version, the Wonderous.  The new version has two sizes: Wee and Wonderous. Well, I ended up with a Wee unintentionally LOL.  I put it on and was immediately amused and pissed.

It's supposed to cover my entire boob shelf! Ugh, oh well.  I'll try it again in the future but not now.  Maybe after christmas.  It was a really fun pattern to make and I want to try again to get it right.

This was my first attempt to really block something.  I used this bed length piece of foam that I had for another project.  It's so impractical to have in an apartment. Glad it finally came in handy for something.

Here's a pic of Ole Poke.  He hurt his little doggie ankle so the vet wrapped it up.  It didn't seem to bother him any and he seems to feel fine.  just walks around with a pitiful little limp lol.

Friday, September 15, 2017

First pair of Smooth Operator Socks and fighting thru knitting inertia.

Finished my first pair of SOS socks and I really dig the pattern. Now I can make perfect 90 degree contrasting heels.  Unfortunately, I don't dig the actual socks.  I made them one at a time so one sock ended up a bit short and doesn't fit so this pair is going to my mom.  Her feet are a bit smaller than mine.  

Accidentally making the socks different lengths really bummed me out!  I liked the yarn so I had planned to wear these socks and was really looking forward to that F.O. high but instead I was extremely pissed!  I started another pair with the red tonal yarn but as I kept knitting, the fabric began to remind me of like a blood clot or something.  The variations in red were really turning me off.  So I actually started to freak out a little bit.  What was I going to knit next?  My plan was to knit up the three skeins of sock yarn that I had left as SOS socks but I couldn't deal with the blood clot sock.  I decided to set it aside.

Instead, I picked up the Plymouth Select black yarn that I'd bought awhile ago and started on the Yes Checks hat that I'd been wanting.  This project turned out to be a godsend.  I was still uneasy about the future of the $30 of sock yarn in the closet and the $40 more that was on it's way in the mail but I wasn't directionless anymore.  I had a project, it wasn't as exciting as socks, but it kept me knitting.  It also kept me from doing anything extreme like giving up on socks altogether or stressing about spending too much money. 

I think the money thing was probably the biggest stressor.  I hadn't ordered any yarn in awhile.  And when I bought stuff in the past it was usually on sale.  I bought this at regular price.  It felt extravagant and indulgent and I began to have buyer's remorse the next day.  Also, my Gran requested a vest for Christmas.  I found a great pattern for the Veronika Cardigan by Shannon Cook but it uses so much yarn!  I'll probably end up making the largest size and that's almost 1,700 yards of yarn!  And while the Grocery Girls recommend using a regular wool yarn (not a superwash)  I can't give my Gran something that isn't wash and wear.  So,  I did alot of internet research.  My favorite worsted is the Plymouth Select.  It is so soft but also $15 a skein and I need like 8 skeins.  When I ordered my last batch of sock yarn from Knitpicks, I also ordered one skein of a Knitpicks wool that is an aran.  The reviews said it was closer to worsted.  That skein cost about $8.  If I swatch it and like it then I will be able to get the wool for my Gran's "vest" for under $100 and that will be so nice.  Sigh of relief!

So, I'm waiting on my next delivery from Knitpicks (it should be here Monday) and then I think my inertia will be over.  I decided to go ahead and knit the red socks but to do a contrasting band, heel and toe to try and make them more playful and less like they've been soaked in blood. I can swatch the Veronika Cardigan and order the rest of the yarn (ugh) and have some socks to work on as well.  Everything will be coming up Millhouse!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

County Fair 2017

I entered three items in the fair this year.

I knew the quilt and Baby Vertebrae wouldn't place. All my hopes were on those socks getting the blue ribbon!

Well, at least I got second I guess lol.  I was immediately disappointed when I saw them and then felt bad for being ungrateful that I placed at all.  The class was bigger this year then the past two years that I participated. There were 9 entries. So, I guess I'm lucky to place but I still can't help but feel a little miffed lol.  

Below is the item that beat me then went on to place best in show.

This item was third in my class.

As I was leaving the fair after learning of my placing, I was annoyed and then remembered that I was annoyed last year too when I lost to the crocheted viking hat and then I thought maybe I don't want to participate in the fair anymore.  At least not the county fair.  There are only two classes for hand knitted clothing: Coats, Sweaters, Cape and Other Clothing Knitted Articles.  This is really annoying especially because I was beaten by a shawl.  While I was looking over the other entries I noticed that there were shawls in both categories.  No one was sure where they belonged.  Is a shawl a cape?  Not really.  But should it be competing in a category against hats and socks?  I don't like that either.  It was irksome.  How do you compare items of different types?  What is the criteria for winning?  I felt like socks displayed knowledge of several different techniques while shawls demonstrate short rows I guess?  Which is considered more advanced?  And do the judges take size into account? So the bigger projects are more work so higher valued than the small items? And asthetics?  Is it just subjective?

I researched the Oklahoma State Fair and they have specific knitting categories.  I would be competing against other socks in a class called Socks. And shawls has it's own category as well.  It's too late to enter this year but maybe next year.  There's no guarantee that I will win but at least I will feel like the competition is fair.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Yes Checks hat, Sockhead hats, Smooth Operator socks and Open Wide pouches

Finished my last pair of socks from the Felici yarn that I bought on sale last spring.  I feel alot more confident with socks now. I ordered 4 skeins of Stroll Tonal Sock Yarn from Knit Picks so I can keep working on socks and try some new patterns.

I decided to make a hat for some reason so I downloaded this free Steven West pattern and used some yarn from my stash.  I really like the way it turned out and I forgot how fun it is to make hats!  The only thing I'm not happy with is I skipped a repeat so it's shorter than I wanted.  It went to my mom and she doesn't care but still it's annoying.  If I'd made it right I would have kept it for myself lol. I bought some black yarn so I can make myself one and make it right this time.

In the meantime, I used the leftover sock yarn and made two Sockhead hats.  I really like how they turned out.  Fingering weight hats are so nice!  I never made one before.  Notice the closure on the pink and purple striped hat.  It ended up looking like a boob with a purple nipple lol. I kept both of these for myself <3

Finally got around to sewing up the Open Wide Zippered Pouches that I had cut out for ages.  I was so excited to get the Wonder Woman fabric so I could make a knitting bag to hold my Wonder Woman Shawl project but now I'm wondering whether I want to make it or not lol.  I'm worried that I won't get much use out of it or it won't turn out how I like.  We'll see...

So got my new yarn in the mail and immediately started a pair of Smooth Operator Socks.  I bought the pattern when the designer had a sale.  I was eager to try it but worried about trying a new heel.  I did it last night and it was so fun!  It had a few problems with a hole on one side that I had to stitch up and I ended up adding an extra stitch somewhere but I fixed it.  I'm sure the next one will be even better.  In the future, I won't pick such a dark yarn to try a new pattern or technique.  Made it a bit harder than I would have liked lol.

Eclipse fever hit Oklahoma too so here's a cute pic of my Mom and Gran viewing the eclipse on her back deck lol.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Just socks.

I made three pairs of Rye Socks and one pair of vanilla.  I'm running out of sock yarn.  Only enough for one more pair!  I ordered 4 skeins from Knit Picks and I also have two skeins of DK weight that I can use for socks too so that's good :)