Thursday, December 31, 2015

FP'S - Maine Morning Mitts, Llewyn Davis Scarf and Mariner's Scarf

First off, I'm working on a pair of Maine Morning Mitts!  I finished the first one Monday and I'm in love!  They are a fun project and a little out of my comfort zone but not too challenging.  I learned Magic Loop and M1L and M1R and the phrase "pick up and knit".  Thank goodness for Youtube tutorials.  I have to see a stitch done before I can do it and videos really help!

I changed the pattern a little bit.  I used Cascade Superwash 220 which is a finer gauge yarn then the pattern suggests.  Its a 3 stitch repeat so I CO 54 stitches and used a size 6 needle.  They are wearable but I wish they were a little looser.  I think if I use this pattern and yarn combo again I will use a 7 needle instead.  I was attempting to copy the $50 Jamie from Outlander gauntlets that I saw on Etsy!  I think they work :)

I was so worried about the unevenness at the top where I bound off.  I posted this pic on Facebook and Instagram and several knitters commented that its totally normal.  Apparently, knitting in the round is actually knitting in a spiral and there are tutorials for creating a neater BO.  Whew!  That's good.  I was all ready to rip it out and start over.  So sure I'd messed up somewhere.

My Mom's scarf turned out great!! I was trying to copy the scarf Oscar Isaac wears on Inside Llewyn Davis.

Its not an exact replica so I'll have to call it inspired by Inside Llewyn Davis lol.  I used the pattern in the neck ribbing section of this Seaman's Scarf pattern as a starting point and then began making samples, playing with the number of stitches cast on to get the width I wanted.  Its just a basic 2X2 rib but I wanted to make sure that it had a nice edge so I really liked the added detail of slipping the first stitch.  So, this is the pattern I came up with.  I used the pic below and counted the number of ribs.  I got 12.  Then I multiplied 12 by 4 to get 48 then I added 2 because the first stitch of every row is slipped.  It isn't perfect and I wish someone on the internets would find out the REAL patten for the Llewyn Davis Scarf so I can make an exact copy but for now this will have to do.

Inside Llewyn Davis Inspired Scarf
Size 6 needles
Medium weight alpaca/wool blend
CO 50
Row 1: Slip 1 purlwise with yarn in front, *P2, K2; rep from* ending K1
Repeat row 1 until you get desired length.  Bind off in pattern.

I also finished a really cool scarf for my coworker Mark!  Its the Mariner's Scarf Pattern from the Seamen's Church Institute.  It's a super fun pattern to knit and I started another one right away in red for my Uncle Brian! I used Cascade Superwash 220 and size 7 needles.  

Mark wears it often and while I was photographing it I noticed that its started pilling!  I'm super annoyed with this and hope that I can find a way to fix it soon.  Mark hypothesized that its getting fuzzy because its rubbing against his stubbly chin and neck.  I didn't even think about that being a problem with making stuff for dudes. Arg!!

Can't wait to get started on my new sewing and knitting ideas!  Post coming soon ;)

Obligatory Pokey shot.  He loves attention <3

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